Location (Duty Station) : Kampala, Uganda.
Application Deadline : 03/03/2023.
Type of Contract : Consultancy Services Contract.
Contract Duration : (Spread within 30 Days).
Starting Date : 09/03/2023
Reports to Executive Director
I.0 Background and Introduction
Since Uganda’s independence in 1962, recurrent political conflict and crises have undermined socio-economic development, weakened institutions of democratic governance, and alienated citizens from taking their central role in nation-building and the country has not had a peaceful political transition. There has since been a broad range of issues that Ugandans have not had opportunity to discuss, confront, or resolve. And although the 1995 Constitution through some of its progressive provisions provided a glimmer of hope, the country did not transform the exploitative colonial state into a truly citizen-centred democratic institution. In spite of holding regular elections every five years since 1986, elections in Uganda continue to be contested, with citizens losing more trust in them as an avenue of effective participation in the politics of their country and a formidable vehicle for democracy. The reforms to electoral processes have continued to be treated with disdain by the State further stalling constitutional development efforts, the central promise of the 1995 Constitution. While the 1995 Constitution’s 27 years in existence calls for its systematic and participatory review, most of its original checks and balances have been lost through various amendments. Apart from the 2004 Ssempebwa led constitutional review process that collected views from citizens, subsequent constitutional amendments have been obtained through parliament and the views of the people have not been sought directly.
Recently however, the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Justice, and Constitutional Affairs revived talk about national dialogue and constitutional review, two processes central to strengthening constitutional governance and constitutionalism in the country. This presents citizens through their civic organizations such as CSOs and democracy activists an immense opportunity to revive their engagement and effectively participate to influence the two processes positively.
To that end, Kituo cha Katiba: Eastern Africa Centre for Constitutional Development (KcK) is implementing a project aimed at Strengthening CSO Engagement on the Constitutional Reform Process (SCEC). As part of this project, KcK seeks to conduct an analysis of past constitutional reform efforts and their respective reform proposals. The idea is to generate an analytical compendium of past reform proposals to ascertain their relevance in the current context and in that respect generate a list of new reform proposals relevant to Uganda’s democracy trajectory.
2.0 The Purpose of the Call
The purpose of this call is to seek services of a consultant to conduct the aforementioned analysis.
3.0 Terms of reference
- Conduct desk research on past constitutional reform efforts.
- Identify critical reform proposals that were made in these efforts and their potency.
- Analyze these proposals in light of the current context to ascertain relevance.
- Generate a list of new reform proposals for a progressive democracy dispensation in Uganda.
- Develop an analytical compendium of proposals that includes a summary of each proposal, its origin, and its impact.
- Prepare a report that includes recommendations for future constitutional reform efforts.
4.0 Qualifications and Competencies required
A) Competencies
- Knowledge of constitutional law and reform: The consultant should have a strong understanding of the principles of constitutional law and the process of constitutional reform in Uganda.
- Research and analytical skills: The consultant should have the ability to conduct desk research, gather and analyze data, and synthesize information.
- Writing and documentation skills: The consultant should have excellent writing skills, be able to present information clearly and succinctly, and have experience producing analytical reports and publications.
- Project management: The consultant should have the ability to manage a project from start to finish, including managing timelines, budgets, and stakeholders.
- Interpersonal and communication skills: The consultant should have strong interpersonal skills, be able to effectively communicate with stakeholders, and have the ability to build relationships and negotiate with different actors.
- Familiarity with the political, social and economic context in Uganda: The consultant should have a good understanding of the political, social, and economic context in Uganda, including knowledge of the country's history, governance structures, and current reform efforts.
B) Qualifications
- A Masters’ Degree in Law, Political Science, International Relations or related field.
- Evidence of knowledge of governance in Uganda with a bias on constitutional and electoral matters.
- Demonstrable experience in conducting studies on constitutional and electoral reform matters.
5.0 Key Deliverables
The consultants shall be expected to deliver the following:
- An inception report;
- An analytical compendium of constitutional reform proposals
6.0 Assignment Duration
The assignment will be conducted for a period of one month spread from March 9, 2023 to April 8, 2023.
7.0 Consultancy Fees
The prospective consultant should submit a financial proposal for undertaking the assignment. Kindly note that the financial proposal carries equal weight as the technical proposal.
8.0 Application Procedure
Interested individuals should submit their application for the assignment including a technical and financial proposal not later than 09 March 2023. The application should be sent to the Executive Director, Kituo cha Katiba, Plot 7, Estate Link Road, Naguru by email to: ekibalama@kituochakatiba.org, copied to kituo@kituochakatiba.org and luyombyajames@gmail.com