The Kituo cha Katiba Resource Centre currently holds over 2000 pieces of information resources covering topics in constitutionalism, democracy, human rights, violence, gender, leadership, law, development, peace and security. The information resources include books, journals, newsletters, working papers, workshop and conference papers, video cassettes, audio cassettes.
We also have a special collection of East African Community (EAC) documents and newspaper clippings on a wide range of topics. The majority of the collections are in English, and a few in Kiswahili.
Membership is open to students of higher institutions of learning, researchers, civil society organizations, policy makers, politicians, parliamentarians and individuals.
The Resource Centre was established in February 2002. The purpose of the Resource Centre is to serve as a first port-of-call on information on constitutionalism, good governance, democratic development and regional integration in the Eastern Africa region. Publications stocked are on various subjects including constitutionalism, law, history, human rights, politics, democracy, gender and corruption.
Resource Centre Regulations
- The Resource Centre is open as follows: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on official working days.
- Library Access Fee is UGX. 2,000/= (about USD$ 0.55) per day.
- Reference services are provided to those persons who physically visit the Resource Centre and to others by e-mail, telephone, and fax.
- Internet services are available to patrons at a fee of UGX. 1,500/= (about USD$ 0.45) for 30 minutes.
- Reading space in a quiet environment.
- Photocopying services at a fee of UGX. 400/= (about USD$ 0.22) per page of A4 size in black and white.
- Printing services are offered at a fee of UGX. 1000/= (about USD$ 0.45) per page of A4 size in black and white.
- As the Resource Centre expands, other services such as database searches, video shows, and group discussions will be provided.
- Eating or drinking in the Resource Centre is not allowed.